Grace Episcopal Church - Canton, MS
Grace Episcopal Church - Canton, MS
Sunday Services
9am - Morning Prayer on Zoom
10am - Holy Eucharist
Wednesday at Grace
10am - Holy Eucharist in the chancel
11am - Jesus - A Revolutionary Biograph
Community Outreach
Wednesday, October 16 - Bag food for distribution on Food Pantry Day (2 PM)
Thursday. October 17 - Distribute food from the Food Pantry to those in need (8 - 10 AM)
Thursday, October 24 - We serve lunch at Our Daily Bread.
Invitation to play pickleball
First Baptist invites us to join them in their gym for pickleball on Tuesdays from 5:00 to 7:30 and Thursdays from noon until 2:30. Beginners are welcomed. If you are interested in more information, please call Sam Mabry at (601) 951-8833.