Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, January 26 during the 10:00 AM service.

The annual parish meeting elects vestry members and the rector gives an annual report.
Join Us for Annual Council 2025! 

Experience THE STATEWIDE DIOCESE BIG event! The Annual Council of the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi invites you to join us for a weekend filled with fellowship and inspiration ON THE GULF COAST. Engage, learn, and BE A PART.
From the bishop
Dear friends in Christ,

Our Gospel lesson this past Sunday was the account of Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana, in Galilee (John 2:1-11). The account of this first miracle – or sign, as John calls it – differs greatly from the first miracles in Matthew, Mark and Luke. The first miracles in those three Gospels are about Jesus healing persons who are suffering in body, mind or …
Worship Services
Weekly Services
SUNDAY: 9am - Morning Prayer on zoom ...(https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88172312709?pwd=1xClNkinr7waAmwR1gUqKNJ1DC8YZs.1)

SUNDAY: 10am - Holy Eucharist

WEDNESDAY: 10am - Holy Eucharist
Get Involved
Food Pantry
Wednesday, February 19, we will bag food from the Food Pantry for distribution (2pm)

Thursday, February 20 we distribute food to those in need (8-10am)
Our Daily Bread
Thursday, February 27, we serve lunch. Meet in church parking lot at 11:45am.