Grace News & Announcements

Advent Meditations and Devotional
- Rev. Beth

Each week during Advent I will be sharing a meditation based on the novella Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan. One reviewer said of the book, “Every word is the right word in the right place, and the effect is resonant and deeply moving.” I am looking forward to sharing the directions in which the book took my hopes and imaginings.

Advent daily devotion books are available. If you are not able to pick one up, we are glad to drop one in the mail for you.
Advent Creation Book Study 
The Diocesan Creation Care Committee with Rev. Beth, Tracy Stebbins and John Milner, will be offering a Zoom book study on Katharine Hayhoe’s book, Saving Us. From her perspective as a climate scientist and an evangelical Christian, Katharine Hayhoe offers new insight into the debate on how we can shift the direction of our climate future. If you are interested in knowing more about how we can care for creation and in stepping into a perspective of hope, please join us.
This year the First Sunday of Advent falls on December 1, the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Because people will be out of town, we will have our December Parish Luncheon on December 8. 

Also, on December 8, we will have a special liturgy to green the church during our 10:00 service. If you have holly. Evergreens, pine, or other plant material from your yard that you would like to share, please let Jackie Morgan know.
We will welcome Bishop Wells on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. After the service, we will gather for lunch. The parish will provide the main course. Please plan to bring a salad, a side dish, or a dessert. You are going to enjoy getting to know our new Bishop!
Ministry Opportunities
If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, please let Rev. Beth know.

• A Reader at the Sunday service

• A Lay Eucharistic Minister, who helps serve at the Eucharist, and who takes Communion to people who can’t be with us for our regular worship

• An Usher, who greets people on Sunday morning and takes up the offering

• A member of the choir

• A member of the vestry